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    Твори на англійській мові


    Іноземна мова


    Albert Einstein, a well-known German physicist and mathematician, wasborn in Germany on March 14, 1879. His unusual ability to mathematics andphysics began to show itself at a technical school in Zurich. At the age of
    21, after four years of university study, Albert Einstein got a job as aclerk in an office. But already in 1905 he made revolutionary discoveriesin science. He published three papers in the field of physics andmathematics. In the first he explained the photoelectric effect by means of
    Planck's quantum theory. The second paper developed a mathematical theoryof Brownian motion. He presented his third paper on "Special Theory of
    Relativity "to a physical journal. Einstein expressed his theory in theequation E = mc2, roughly that energy equals mass times the square of thespeed of light.

    All over the world scientists read the work with great surprise. Fewphysicists understood its importance at that time. Everybody wanted to knowas much as possible about the author. In which institute did he teach? Inwhat laboratory did he do his research?

    Einstein's fame among scientists grew slowly but surely. For a fewyears he lived in Prague where he worked as a professor. When he came to
    Prague, he often told his students: "I shall always try to help you. If youhave a problem, come to me with it, we shall solve it together ".

    He liked questions and answered them at once, for there were nosimple or foolish questions for him. He spoke much with his students aboutscientific problems and his new ideas. His advice to students was, "Don'ttake easy problems ".

    In 1921 Einstein got the Nobel Prize in physics not for the theory ofrelativity but for a logical explanation of the photoelectric effect.

    After the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia Einsteinbecame a true friend of the young Socialist Republic. He establishedscientific contacts with his colleagues in Soviet Russia.

    In 1922 he became a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciencesfor his outstanding contributions to physics and mathematics.

    On March 14, 1979 by UNESCO decision all people throughout the worldcelebrated the birth centenary of the great 20th century scientist.

    Текст 1. Альберт Ейнштейн

    Альберт Ейнштейн, добре відомий німецький фізик і математик,народився в Німеччині 14 березня 1879. Свої незвичайні здібності поматематики та фізики починав показувати ще з технічної школи в Цюріху. У
    21 рік, після чотирьох років навчання в університеті, Альберт Ейнштейн отримавроботу клерком в офісі. Але вже в 1905 році він зробив революційне відкриттяв науці. Він опублікував три доповіді в галузі фізики і математики. У першувін пояснював фотоелектричний ефект за допомогою квантової теорії Планка.
    Другий доповідь розвивав математичну теорію броунівського руху. Вінпредставив свій третій доповідь "Спеціальна теорія Відносності" вфізичному журналі. Ейнштейн висловив свою теорію рівнянням Е = mс2,кількість енергії приблизно дорівнює масі помноженої на квадратшвидкості світла.

    У всьому світі вчені читають роботи з великим здивуванням. Небагатофізики розуміли значення цього в той час. Кожен хоче знати стільки проавтора ... У якому інституті він викладав? У яких лабораторіях проводивсвої дослідження.

    Популярність Ейнштейна серед вчених росла повільно, але вірно. УПротягом декількох років він жив у Празі, де працював як професор.
    Коли він приїжджав до Праги, він часто говорив своїм студентам: "Я завждинамагаюся допомагати вам. Якщо у вас є проблеми, звертайтеся до мене, і мибудемо вирішувати їх разом ".

    Він любив питання і давав відповіді на них одразу, навіть якщо вони непростіі дурні питання брався за них. Багато хто з таких студентів знають про проблеминауки і в них нові ідеї. Рада студентів стверджує: "Немає легких проблем".

    У 1921 році Ейнштейн отримав Нобелівську Премію з фізики не затеорію відносності, а за логічне пояснення фотоелектричногоефекту.

    Після Великої Жовтневої Соціалістичної революції в Росії
    Ейнштейн стає вірним другом молодий Соціалістичної Республіки.

    Він установив наукові контакти зі своїми колегами в Радянській Росії.

    У 1922 році він стає іноземним членом Російської Академії Наукі вносить видатний внесок з фізики та математики.

    14 березня 1979 рішенням ЮНЕСКО люди всього світу святкувалисторіччя з дня народження великого в 20 столітті вченого.


    The exhibition "Intensifikation-90" which is devoted to economic andsocial developments of Leningrad region was on in Leningrad. Its exhibitsshow the Leningraders 'efforts to improve the quality and efficiency of theregion production. A large section of the exhibition demonstrateselectronics/

    The most impressive of the exhibits are robots. They can cut metals,drill holes, compute and teach. All robots are very much things of thepresent. A multipurpose lathe-robot is specially interesting in that it can
    "ask questions". An engineer showed how it works. He pressed a key whichhas the mark "Thread cutting". And "Thread pitch?" immediately appeared onthe video displey screen. The engineer pressed another key with the mark
    "I". Another question came on: "Thread length?". The robot has to get allthe answers to all its questions before it goes to work.

    Another exhibit was a "Sfera" robot which was to operate somemetallurgical processes. Before it starts working its operator must takehim by "hand" and go through all the programme. The robot memorizes theinstructions and then is able to do everything by itself and without anymistakes. Its memory can hold as many as 70 programmes.

    Practically all the equipment on display serves to improve theequipment on display serves to improve the productivity. Intensifikation-90 progpamme provides for high increase in production of technologicallyperfect, top-quality and efficient types of machinery for Leningrad region.


    Виставка "Інтенсифікація-90", яка присвячена для економічного ісоціального розвитку Ленінградської області проходила в Ленінграді. Їїекспонати, представлені зусиллями ленінградців призначені для поліпшенняякості та продуктивності обласного виробництва. Більшу частинувиставки займав показ електроніки.

    Найбільш вражаючий експонат був робот. Він може різати метал,свердлити отвори, підраховувати і навчати. Всі присутні роботи дужехороші речі в подарунок. Багатоцільовий токарно (верстатний) робот особливоцікавий тим, що може "поставити запитання". Інженер показував, як вінпрацює. Він натискав на кнопку, яка називалася "Різьблення нарізати". "І"
    Крок різання різьблення? "Після цього з'являється на відео (показує) екрані.
    Інженер натискає ще одну кнопку промаркірованій "І". Ще одне питанняз'являється: "Довжина різьби". Після того як робот отримає всі відповіді напитання, приступає до роботи.

    Ще один експонат "Сфера" - робот, який виконує операціїдеяких металургійних процесів. До початку роботи механік-операторповинен взяти його "в руки" і пройти через всі програми. Робот згадуєінструкції та здатен робити все що потрібно і без будь-яких помилок. Його пам'ятьможе тримати близько 70 програм.

    Практично все обладнання, виставлене на показ, служить дляпокращення продуктивності. Програма "Інтенсифікація-90" служить длязбільшення зростання виробництва технологічно досконалого,високоякісного і продуктивного, типового машинного обладнання для
    Ленінградської області.



    The variety and combinations of machine tools today are unlimited.
    Some of them are very small and can be mounted on a work bench but othersare so large that we have to construct special buildings to house them.

    There are some basic operations at any workshop. They are turning,drilling, threading, etc. The main machine-tool a workshop is themultipurpose lathe. What is a lathe? It is a power-driven machine withspecial tools which can cut or form metal parts. The metal that cutsanother metal must be very hard and so tools should be made of very hardsteel alloys. The tool itself is very small in comparison with themechanism that is to direct it.

    Technological progress improves accuracy of machine tools. Today'sequipment can produce parts with very high accuracy. One can find a numberof machine tools that can measure and inspect their production themselves --machine tools that are to handle the parts mechanically and automatically.
    Such machines can hold the parts which are to be measured and be able toindicate precise measurements themselves. A great many of such "clever"machines can be found today in our industry.

    Since machine tools become faster and more complex, automaticmeasurements and inspection ought to be of greater importance. Automationis one of the main factors of engineering progress.

    Flexible production lines form the basis for automated workshops. Themain principle of such a flexible line is the fact that it can be switchedover from one product to another, which has a similar structure but adifferent outline, almost instantaneously. It is equally efficient inconditions of will serve to increase the productivity.

    The USSR and other highly industrialized countries begin making useof flexible modules and automated workshops on a broad basis.



    Two great observatories, Greenwich and Pulkovo, occupy a leadingplace among the observatories of the world. Some scientists call Pulkovothe astronomical capital of the world.

    Pulkovo is situated in a hilly area some kilometers from Leningrad.
    You can't get to Pulkovo by train - when the railway was being built theastronomers specially asked that it should be kept several kilometers awayso that there should be no vibration to affect the sensitive instruments.

    The work started in 1839, when the observatory was opened, is beingcontinued now. This is the eternal work of astronomers - to define theprecise co-ordinates of the stars, to find out the exact "addresses" ofheavenly bodies.

    But today the scientists also conduct a time service, they studyactivity of the Sun, follow the flights of the Earth sputniks and calculatetheir orbits. The scientists of the observatory have made a valuablecontribution to the study of the cosmos by observing Soviet artificial
    Earth satellites, man-made moons. The study of their orbits is veryimportant for the flights of manned spaceships.

    The Pulkovo observatory has a radio-astronomy department equippedwith modern apparatus. The big radio-telescope installed there is strongerthan any other telescope in the world. With the help of this powerfuldevise the scientists of the Pulkovo observatory carry out a number ofobservations of Venus, Jupiter and other planets. It is necessary thatbefore flying to other planets scientists should get the greatest possibleinformation about the heavenly bodies.

    The astronomers have obtained extremely surprising results due toradio-astronomical observation. By means of the radio-telescope someremarkable studies of the surface of the Sun and of solar activity havebeen made and a method of investigating the movement of planets has beenworked out.

    Astronomical observation and cosmic experiments are spheres ofscientific research in which broad co-operation of scientists of variouscountries would be most effective. Soviet scientists, workers andtechnicians have produced and launched space rockets in the direction ofthe Moon, Venus and Mars and are fulfilling the noble dreams of mankind.
    May there be peaceful ships flying the space routes and may they serve theinterests of all the people of the world!


    Not long ago computers were not very reliable and comparatively slowin operation. Since then, several generations of complex electroniccomputing equipment have been developed, each being significantly betterthan the one before it. Almost every day a new use is found for theseastonishing devices to help man.

    We know a computer to be a complex electronic device that can storeand process vast quantities of information. Following instructions,computing equipment will perform calculations such as addition,subtraction, multiplication and division, and provide the answers to alarge variety of problems in a tiny fraction of time.

    A computer is known to be the "heart" of an electronic dataprocessing system, other parts of equipment being auxiliary.

    There are two main types of computing equipment - digital andanalogue. They work differently and yield different results. The digitalcomputer is performing a much broader range of functions than the analogueone.

    The analogue computer, as its name implies, produces analogues orparallels of the process to be described or the problem to be solved. Boththe digital and analogue computers must be "programmed". This means theymust be set up in such a way that they can produce a result from theinformation fed into them, and the information itself must be organized soit can be handled by the machines. These devices working by electronicimpulses perform at fantastic speed and with great precision.

    Looking to the future, computer makers see no end to the things theywould like to accomplish. The computer of the future seems to be developedby using bionics - biological functions of plants and animals - as a guidein designing electronic circuits.

    Nowadays computer makers are working at the problem of introducingsmall computers into our everyday life making them personal. They aretrying to develop a computer that will understand human language.

    Each new generation of computers opens up new possibilities for basicand applied research.

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