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    Baldur ' s Gate


    Інформатика, програмування

    The world of role-playing games was born when JRTolkien issued hismarvelous novel "Fellowship of the Ring". This novel has changed the worldof teenagers. Many role-playing clubs all over the world opened their doorsto countless Tolkien admirers. In parallel, the industry of computer gameshas been conquering the world of entertainment, and it's not a surprisethat these two branches have merged into one priceless gift to the world --computer role-playing games. Of course, people still play in elves andgnomes using table and dice, but nothing is comparable with perfect andfascinating 3-dimensional computer game.

    The best game that can represent this genre is Baldur's Gate. Issued by afew of the strongest computer game companies, Baldur's Gate is a beautifulcombination of style, excellent graphics, captivating subject and scenario,and, of course, it submits to all laws of role-playing games.

    A very high quality of graphics can please even the most demanding judge.
    The picture itself is very detailed. Little houses, trees, grass, animals,castles and characters are seen almost like in a real world from above atsome height. The quality of graphics allows us to view characters inexquisite detail - down to skin and hair color, clothing, weapon and armor.
    Every individual in the game has its own style and color of garments,constitution, and even a face. Also you can see a portrait of eachcharacter by clicking on the appropriate button. Portraits are mademasterfully, colorfully, and they reflect the personality of each hero. Allthe colors of game are combined in balance and harmony, and are verypleasant to the eye. One thing about graphics of Baldur's Gate, which isvery important, is that it does not consume a lot of memory and it's verycompact.

    You will be amazed, seeing the beauty of a landscape and buildings. Themap, almost the most important thing in all role-playing games, is verydetailed, convenient and easily readable. If a traveler is tired, he goesto the inn. If he wants to relax, drink golden ale and listen to someuseful news, he goes to the tavern, where he can also buy some food for hisfuture travel. Sometimes it is very interesting to visit the houses oftownspeople. Robbery and theft are a good way to get extra money, but youhave to be very careful, because the guard in a town can imprison you andconfiscate all that you have. The scenario is developed so unexpectedly,that you can be confused: strangers come to speak to you, ask for help oroffer it, that is how you get new quests and companions. The other side ofthis world are various pirate's dens, castles of spiteful mages, caveswhere the unseen horror lives.

    A very structured and diverse system of enemies does not give the playera rest. Unlike DOOM, where your enemies are just ugly and stupid monsters,
    Baldur's Gate acts in a more sly and cunning way. The more you investigate,the more you discover dangerous intrigues behind your back. Something iswrong with the world you are living in, something is wrong with people. Atthe end, you begin to understand everything. Do you know that for your headsome very powerful person gives fifty thousand gold? No? Now you have to beeven more careful.

    And, finally, the humor and smart dialogs between all characters impressa player by wit and endless diversity. Each character has its ownpersonality, point of view. They can argue or even kill each other, and theplayer is unable to do anything, because when your characters are enragedyou cannot stop them. That's why, when you gather a company for youradventure, you must choose characters with similar attitudes and adherenceto a type of magic. When I played, my command consisted of a very kindpaladin, a druid woman, a fighter, a thief, a black mage, and his friend,who was half-gnome and half-man. They quarreled all the game and at the endthey almost killed each other, but it was very curious and funny to watchhow they squabble and blaspheme.

    There's no other game that represents role-playing games so correctly andprecisely as Baldur's Gate. This game is ingeniously composed. We all canbe proud that mysterious world of fantastic heroes and mean mages, theworld of our dreams that was created by JRTolkien is resurrected incomputer games.The world, that is so rich, so interesting and almost real.
    Baldur's Gate is the best of its kind.

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