• Адміністративне право
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  • Видавнича справа та поліграфія
  • Інвестиції
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    Бесплатные рефераты






    Проектування та розробка мережевих броузерів на основі теоретико-Графова моделей


    Інформатика, програмування






    Проектування та розробка мережевих броузерів на основі теоретико-Графова моделей

    Виконав студент 5 курсу

    спеціальності «інформатика»

    _________________Поляков Т.І.

    Науковий керівник, к.ф. - м . н., доцент

    ___________________Попов В.Б.

    Рішення про допуск до захисту:


    Зав.кафедри інформатики

    д.ф.-м.н., професор

    ________________Донской В.І.



    | Зміст | |
    | Вступ | 2 |
    | | |
    | Глава I. Теоретико-Графова моделі організації мережевих | 3 |
    | структур | |
    | | |
    | 1.1. Основні поняття теорії графів | 3 |
    | | |
    | 1.2. Графова алгоритми | 5 |
    | Глава II. Мережеві структури на базі теоретико-Графова | 11 |
    | моделей | |
    | 2.1. Методи побудови мережевих структур | 11 |
    | 2.2. Класифікація існуючих методів | 12 |
    | організації мереж | |
    | 2.3. Глобальна мережа Internet | 16 |
    | 2.4. Основи мережевої маршрутизації | 20 |
    | 2.5. Алгоритми маршрутизації | 24 |
    | Глава III. Мережеві броузери | 33 |
    | 3.1. Опис стандартного броузера | 33 |
    | 3.2. Характеристика існуючих систем пошуку | 33 |
    | 3.3. Особливості створення броузерів в | 40 |
    | візуальних середовищах | |
    | | |
    | програмування | |
    | | |
    | Глава??. Програмна реалізація | 44 |
    | | |
    | 4.1. Архітектура системи "броузер" | 44 |
    | | |
    | 4.2. Основні процедури броузера | 45 |
    | | |
    | 4.3. Архітектура імітаційної моделі глобальної мережі | 47 |
    | | |
    | 4.4. Основні процедури імітаційної моделі | 48 |
    | | |
    | Висновок | 50 |
    | | |
    | Список літератури | 51 |
    | | |
    | Додаток 1 - вихідний текст програми "броузер" | 52 |
    | | |
    | Додаток 2 - вихідний текст моделі корпоративної мережі | 91 |



    У зв'язку з розширенням глобальної мережі Internet зростає необхідністьвпровадження нових оптимізаційних алгоритмів, пов'язаних зі швидкістю обмінуданих між комп'ютерами в єдиній мережі. Комп'ютерні мережі завойовують світ.
    Системи з маленьких комп'ютерів перетворюються у величезні сховища даних,доступні всьому світу. Будь-яка сучасна фірма, будь-який офіс оснащений хоча бнайпростішою мережею. Не виходячи з дому, сотні тисяч людей працюють наперсональних комп'ютерах, на користь всьому світу. В основному для роботив Internet використовуються програми-броузери. Ці програми дозволяють легкообмінюватися текстової, графічної та звуковою інформацією, використовуючипопулярну, просту в обігу мультемедійную службу ІНТЕРНЕТ World Wide


    Мета даної роботи полягає в наступному:

    - розробка математичної моделі мережевого оглядача і корпоративноїсередовища;

    - створення імітаційної моделі розподіл інформації в глобальнихмережах.

    Для досягнення даної мети були вирішені наступні завдання:

    1.) Проведено аналіз існуючих броузерів;

    2.) Розглянуто основні топології існуючих корпоративних мереж;

    3.) Розроблено алгоритм визначення оптимального маршруту передачі

    інформації по глобальній мережі.

    1.Теоретіко - Графова моделі організації мережевих структур

    1.1. Основні поняття теорії графів

    Визначення. Безліч Х = і набір U невпорядкованих пар об'єктів
    () З Х називається графом Г. Об'єкти множини Х називаються вершинамиграфа, а набори об'єкта U - ребрами графа. Про ребра будемо говорити,що вони з'єднують вершини і. У випадку, якщо безліч Х інабір U складаються з кінцевого числа об'єктів і пар, то граф Г називаєтьсякінцевим.

    Нехай і - довільні вершини графа Г.

    Визначення. Система ребер графа Г називається шляхом, що з'єднує вершини та.

    Определеніе.Путь, що не проходить двічі одне ребро, називаєтьсяциклом, якщо =. Зокрема, цикл будемо називати петлею.

    Визначення. Граф Г називається зв'язковим, якщо для будь-яких двох різних

    вершин і графа Г існує шлях, що з'єднує ці вершини.

    Рис. 1

    Легко бачити, що граф з прикладу 1 є кінцевим, незв'язних іщо містить петлі.

    Визначення. графи Г і Г `називаються ізоморфні, якщо існуєвзаємно однозначна відповідність між їх вершинами і ребрами таке, щовідповідні ребра з'єднують відповідні вершини.

    Визначення. Граф Г `називається подграфом Г, якщо його вершини і ребраналежать графу Г.

    Завдовжки шляху в графі називають суму довжин що входять в цей шлях ребер.

    Визначення. Деревом називається кінцевий зв'язний граф з виділеноювершиною, що іменується коренем, що не містить циклів.

    Якщо в графі можна виділити більше одного дерева, які не пов'язні міжсобою, то такий граф називають лісом.

    Рис 2. Ліс, що має два компоненти зв'язності (2 дерева).

    Будемо далі позначати через Х - безліч вершин і U - безліч реберграфа, а сам граф, який визначається цією парою об'єктів, будемо позначати
    ;x? X, u? U. Позначимо довжину дуги u = (x, y) через d (u). Найкоротшу довжину шляхуз х в

    z позначимо D (x, z).

    Очевидно, якщо найкоротший шлях з x в z існує і проходить черезпроміжну вершину w, то D (x, z) = D (x, w) + D (w, z). Ця формуласправедлива для будь-якої проміжної вершини w розглянутого шляхи, у томучислі і для останньої, суміжній з кінцевою вершиною w. Тому найкоротшийшлях можна відшукати, послідовно переходячи від кінцевої вершини z внайближчу суміжну і запам'ятовуючи ланцюжок побудованих вершин (звичайно, заумови, що хоча б один шлях між вершинами x і z існує і граф немістить циклів. Ця ідея і є по суті принципом Р. Беллмана.

    1.2. Графова алгоритми

    Алгоритм Беллмана пошуку найкоротшого шляху між двома вершинами зв'язковогографа, що не має циклів з невід'ємними довжинами ребер. Його описнаводиться нижче за допомогою алгоритмічної схеми.


    D [w] - робочий масив, при обчисленнях інтерпретується як найкоротшадовжина з вершини w в вершину z. w? X. d [s, t] - масив довжин ребер графа для кожної пари вершин s, t? X. Якщодеяке ребро відсутній, то в елементі цього масиву покладаєтьсязаписаним деякий достатньо велика кількість, що перевищує суму довжин всіхребер графа.

    Stack - послідовність вершин, що визначає найкоротший шлях з x вz.


    Stack :='';// Очистити Stack.

    Stack 0 then with ClientSocket do begin

    Host : = Server;

    Active: = True; end; end;

    procedure TChatForm.Exit1Click (Sender: TObject); begin



    Close; end;

    procedure TChatForm.Memo1KeyDown (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;

    Shift : TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_Return then if IsServer then

    ServerSocket.Socket.Connections [0]. SendText (Memo1.Lines [Memo1.Lines.Count -
    1]) else

    ClientSocket.Socket.SendText (Memo1.Lines [Memo1.Lines.Count - 1]); end;

    procedure TChatForm.FormCreate (Sender: TObject); begin

    FileListenItemClick (nil); end;

    procedure TChatForm.ServerSocketError (Sender: TObject; Number: Smallint; var Description: string; Scode: Integer; const Source, HelpFile:string;

    HelpContext: Integer; var CancelDisplay: Wordbool); begin

    ShowMessage (Description); end;

    procedure TChatForm.Disconnect1Click (Sender: TObject) ; begin


    FileListenItemClick (nil); end;

    procedure TChatForm.ClientSocketConnect (Sender: TObject;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin

    Statusbar1.Panels [0]. Text: = 'Connected to:' + Socket.RemoteHost; end;

    procedure TChatForm.ClientSocketRead (Sender: TObject ;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin

    Memo2.Lines.Add (Socket.ReceiveText); end;

    procedure TChatForm.ServerSocketClientRead (Sender: TObject;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin

    Memo2.Lines.Add (Socket.ReceiveText); end;

    procedure TChatForm.ServerSocketAccept (Sender: TObject;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin

    IsServer: = True;

    Statusbar1.Panels [0]. Text: = 'Connected to:' + Socket.RemoteAddress ; end;

    procedure TChatForm.ServerSocketClientConnect (Sender: TObject;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin

    Memo2.Lines.Clear; end;

    procedure TChatForm.ClientSocketDisconnect (Sender: TObject;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin

    FileListenItemClick (nil); end;

    procedure TChatForm. ClientSocketError (Sender: TObject;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer); begin

    Memo2.Lines.Add ( 'Error connecting to:' + Server) ;

    ErrorCode: = 0; end;

    procedure TChatForm.ServerSocketClientDisconnect (Sender: TObject;

    Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin

    ServerSocket.Active: = False;

    FileListenItem.Checked: = not FileListenItem.Checked;

    FileListenItemClick (nil); end;


    файл ftp.pas

    unit ftp;



    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes Graphics, Controls, Forms,

    Buttons, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, OleCtrls, Menus, ExtCtrls, isp3;


    FTPServer = 0;

    Folder = 1;

    OpenFolder = 2;


    TMyFtp = class (TForm)

    Bevel1: TBevel;

    Panel1: TPanel;

    Panel2: TPanel;

    Panel3: TPanel;

    StatusBar: TStatusBar;

    FileList: TListView ;

    DirTree: TTreeView;

    ConnectBtn: TSpeedButton;

    FTP: TFTP;

    RefreshBtn: TSpeedButton; < p> MainMenu1: TMainMenu;

    FileMenu: TMenuItem;

    FileNewItem: TMenuItem;

    FileDeleteItem: TMenuItem;

    FileRenameItem: TMenuItem;

    N2: TMenuItem;

    FileExitItem: TMenuItem;

    View1: TMenuItem;

    ViewLargeItem: TMenuItem;

    ViewSmallItem: TMenuItem;

    ViewListItem: TMenuItem;

    ViewDetailsItem: TMenuItem;

    N1: TMenuItem;

    ViewRefreshItem: TMenuItem;

    FilePopup: TPopupMenu;

    DeleteItem: TMenuItem;

    RenameItem: TMenuItem;

    CopyItem: TMenuItem;

    Bevel2: TBevel;

    Label1: TLabel;

    Bevel3: TBevel;

    Bevel5: TBevel;

    Label2: TLabel;

    SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;

    CopyButton: TSpeedButton;

    LargeBtn: TSpeedButton;

    SmallBtn: TSpeedButton;

    ListBtn : TSpeedButton;

    DetailsBtn: TSpeedButton;

    Tools1: TMenuItem;

    ToolsConnectItem: TMenuItem;

    ToolsDisconnectItem: TMenuItem;

    FileCopyItem: TMenuItem;

    PasteFromItem: TMenuItem;

    OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;

    SmallImages: TImageList; procedure ConnectBtnClick (Sender: TObject); procedure FTPProtocolStateChanged (Sender: TObject;

    ProtocolState: Smallint); procedure FormClose (Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormCreate (Sender: TObject); procedure FTPBusy (Sender: TObject; isBusy: Wordbool) ; procedure DirTreeChange (Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure RefreshBtnClick (Sender: TObject); procedure DirTreeChanging (Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean); procedure FTPStateChanged (Sender: TObject; State: Smallint); procedure Open1Click (Sender: TObject); procedure FileExitItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize (Sender: TObject); procedure ViewLargeItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure ViewSmallItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure ViewListItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure ViewDetailsItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure ViewRefreshItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure CopyItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure ToolsDisconnectItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure DeleteItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure PasteFromItemClick (Sender : TObject); procedure FilePopupPopup (Sender: TObject); procedure FileMenuClick (Sender: TObject); procedure FileDeleteItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure FTPListItem (Sender: TObject; const Item: FTPDirItem); private

    Root : TTreeNode; function CreateItem (const FileName, Attributes, Size, Date:
    Variant): TListItem; procedure Disconnect; public function NodePath (Node: TTreeNode): String; end;


    Myftp: TMyFtp;


    Pwd: String;


    ($ R *. DFM)

    uses ShellAPI, UsrInfo;

    function FixCase (Path: String): String; var

    OrdValue: byte; begin if Length (Path) = 0 then exit;

    OrdValue: = Ord (Path [1] ); if (OrdValue> = Ord ( 'a')) and (OrdValue 0 then begin if Size div 1024 0 then begin

    SubItems.Add (IntToStr (Size div 1024 ));

    SubItems [0]: = SubItems [0] + 'KB'; end else

    SubItems.Add (Size); end else

    SubItems.Add ('') ; if Attributes = '1 'then begin

    SubItems.Add (' File Folder');

    ImageIndex: = 3; end else begin

    Ext: = ExtractFileExt (FileName);

    ShGetFileInfo (PChar ( 'c: *' + Ext), 0, SHFileInfo,
    SizeOf (SHFileInfo),

    SHGFI_SMALLICON or SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or SHGFI_TYPENAME); if Length (SHFileInfo.szTypeName) = 0 then begin if Length (Ext)> 0 then begin

    System.Delete ( Ext, 1, 1);

    SubItems.Add (Ext + 'File'); end else

    SubItems.Add ( 'File'); end else < p> SubItems.Add (SHFileInfo.szTypeName);

    ImageIndex: = SHFileInfo.iIcon; end;

    SubItems.Add (Date); end; end; < p> procedure TMyFtp.Disconnect; begin


    Application.ProcessMessages; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FormCreate (Sender: TObject); var

    SHFileInfo: TSHFileInfo; begin with DirTree do begin

    DirTree.Images: = SmallImages;

    SmallImages.ResourceLoad (rtBitmap, 'IMAGES', clOlive); end; with FileList do begin

    SmallImages: = TImageList.CreateSize (16,16);

    SmallImages.ShareImages: = True;

    SmallImages.Handle: = ShGetFileInfo ('*.*', 0, SHFileInfo,


    LargeImages: = TImageList.Create (nil);

    LargeImages.ShareImages: = True;

    LargeImages.Handle: = ShGetFileInfo ( '* .* ', 0, SHFileInfo,

    SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX); end; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FTPBusy (Sender: TObject; isBusy: Wordbool); begin if isBusy then begin

    Screen.Cursor: = crHourGlass;


    FileList.Items.Clear; end else begin

    Screen.Cursor: = crDefault;

    FileList.Items . EndUpdate; end; end;

    function TMyFtp.NodePath (Node: TTreeNode): String; begin if Node = Root then

    Result: = '.' else

    Result: = NodePath (Node.Parent) + '/' + Node.Text; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.DirTreeChange (Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); var

    NP: String; begin if (FTP.State prcConnected) or FTP.Busy then exit; if Node nil then begin

    NP: = NodePath (DirTree.Selected);

    FTP.List (NP);

    Label2.Caption: = Format ( 'Contents of:''% s /''',[ NP]); end; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.RefreshBtnClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    FTP.List (NodePath (DirTree.Selected)); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.DirTreeChanging (Sender : TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean); begin

    AllowChange: = not FTP.Busy; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FTPStateChanged (Sender: TObject; State: Smallint ); begin with FTP, Statusbar.Panels [0] do case State of prcConnecting: Text: = 'Connecting'; prcResolvingHost: Text: = 'Connecting'; prcHostResolved: Text: = 'Host resolved'; prcConnected: begin

    Text: = 'Connected to:' + RemoteHost;

    ConnectBtn.Hint: = 'Disconnect';

    FileNewItem.Enabled: = True; < p> ViewLargeItem.Enabled: = True;

    ViewSmallItem.Enabled: = True;

    ViewListItem.Enabled: = True;

    ViewDetailsItem.Enabled: = True ;

    ViewRefreshItem.Enabled: = True;

    ToolsDisconnectItem.Enabled: = True;

    LargeBtn.Enabled: = True;

    SmallBtn.Enabled: = True;

    ListBtn.Enabled: = True;

    DetailsBtn.Enabled: = True;

    RefreshBtn.Enabled: = True; end ; prcDisconnecting: Text: = 'Disconnecting'; prcDisconnected: begin

    Text: = 'Disconnected';

    ConnectBtn.Hint: = 'Connect';


    FileNewItem.Enabled: = False;

    ViewLargeItem.Enabled: = False;

    ViewSmallItem.Enabled: = False;

    ViewListItem.Enabled: = False;

    ViewDetailsItem.Enabled: = False;

    ViewRefreshItem.Enabled: = False;

    ToolsDisconnectItem.Enabled : = False;

    LargeBtn.Enabled: = False;

    SmallBtn.Enabled: = False;

    ListBtn.Enabled: = False;

    DetailsBtn.Enabled: = False;

    RefreshBtn.Enabled: = False; end; end; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.Open1Click (Sender: TObject); begin


    DirTree.Items.BeginUpdate; try

    DirTree.Items.Clear; finally

    DirTree.Items.EndUpdate; end; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FileExitItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    Close; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FormResize (Sender: TObject); begin

    Statusbar.Panels [0]. Width: = Width - 150; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.ViewLargeItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    FileList . ViewStyle: = vsIcon; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.ViewSmallItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    FileList.ViewStyle: = vsSmallIcon; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.ViewListItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    FileList.ViewStyle: = vsList; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.ViewDetailsItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    FileList.ViewStyle: = vsReport; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.ViewRefreshItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    DirTreeChange (nil, DirTree.Selected); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.CopyItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    SaveDialog1.FileName: = FileList.Selected.Caption; if SaveDialog1.Execute then

    FTP.GetFile (NodePath ( DirTree.Selected) + '/' +

    SaveDialog1.FileName); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.ToolsDisconnectItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    DisConnect; end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FileNewItemClick (Sender: TObject); var

    DirName: String; begin if InputQuery ( 'Input Box', 'Prompt', DirName) then

    FTP.CreateDir (NodePath (DirTree.Selected) + '/' + DirName); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.DeleteItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin if ActiveControl = DirTree then

    FTP.DeleteDir (NodePath (DirTree.Selected)); if ActiveControl = FileList then

    FTP.DeleteFile (NodePath (DirTree.Selected) + '/' +
    FileList.Selected.Caption); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.PasteFromItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then

    FTP.PutFile (OpenDialog1.FileName, NodePath (DirTree . Selected)); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FilePopupPopup (Sender: TObject); begin

    CopyItem.Enabled: = (ActiveControl = FileList) and (FileList.Selected nil);

    PasteFromItem.Enabled: = (ActiveControl = DirTree) and
    (DirTree.Selected nil);

    DeleteItem.Enabled: = (ActiveControl = FileList) and
    (FileList.Selected nil);

    RenameItem.Enabled: = (ActiveControl = FileList) and
    (FileList.Selected nil); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FileMenuClick (Sender: TObject); begin

    FileCopyItem.Enabled: = (ActiveControl = FileList) and
    (FileList.Selected nil);

    FileDeleteItem.Enabled: = (ActiveControl = FileList) and
    (FileList.Selected nil);

    FileRenameItem.Enabled: = (ActiveControl = FileList) and
    (FileList.Selected nil); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FileDeleteItemClick (Sender: TObject); begin if (DirTree.Selected nil) and (FileList.Selected nil) then

    FTP . DeleteFile (FileList.Selected.Caption); end;

    procedure TMyFtp.FTPListItem (Sender: TObject; const Item: FTPDirItem); var

    Node: TTreeNode; begin

    CreateItem (Item.FileName, Item.Attributes, Item.Size, Item.Date); if Item.Attributes = 1 then if DirTree.Selected nil then begin if DirTree.Selected nil then

    Node: = DirTree.Selected.GetFirstChild else

    Node: = nil; while Node nil do if AnsiCompareFileName (Node.Text, Item.FileName) = 0 then exit else

    Node: = DirTree.Selected.GetNextChild (Node); if Node = nil then begin

    Node: = DirTree.Items.AddChild (DirTree.Selected,


    Node.ImageIndex: = Folder;

    Node.SelectedIndex: = OpenFolder; end; end else

    DirTree.Items.AddChild (Root, Item.FileName); end;


    Дз п № л ? ркозтфрCх; уАчх (и, хXюKхеюИф @ ьuу ('fфяьюМ ‡

    юЕьsхmу0хттиьшфайл nntp.pas

    unit nntp;



    Windows, Messages, SysUtils , Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,

    Menus, OleCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, ActiveX, isp3;

    const efListGroups = 0; efGetArticleHeaders = 1; efGetArticleNumbers = 2; efGetArticle = 3;


    TNewsForm = class (TForm)


    MainMenu1: TMainMenu;

    File1 : TMenuItem;

    Exit1: TMenuItem;

    N1: TMenuItem;

    FileDisconnectItem: TMenuItem;

    FileConnectItem: TMenuItem;

    Panel1: TPanel;

    Bevel1: TBevel;

    StatusBar: TStatusBar;

    SmallImages: TImageList;

    Panel2: TPanel;

    NewsGroups: TTreeView;

    Bevel2: TBevel;

    Panel3: TPanel;

    Memo1: TMemo;

    Panel5: TPanel;

    Panel4: TPanel;

    ConnectBtn: TSpeedButton;

    RefreshBtn: TSpeedButton;

    Bevel3: TBevel ;

    MsgHeaders: TListBox;

    Label1: TLabel;

    Label2: TLabel; procedure FileConnectItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure NNTP1ProtocolStateChanged (Sender: TObject;

    ProtocolState: Smallint); procedure NNTP1StateChanged (Sender: TObject; State: Smallint); procedure Exit1Click (Sender: TObject); procedure MsgHeadersDblClick (Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose (Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction ); procedure NewsGroupsChange (Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure RefreshBtnClick (Sender: TObject); procedure FileDisconnectItemClick (Sender: TObject); procedure NNTP1Banner (Sender: TObject; const Banner: WideString); procedure NNTP1DocOutput (Sender: TObject; const DocOutput:
    DocOutput); procedure NNTP1Error (Sender: TObject; Number: Smallint; var Description: WideString; Scode: Integer; const Source,

    HelpFile: WideString; HelpContext: Integer; var CancelDisplay: WordBool); procedure NNTP1SelectGroup ( Sender: TObject; const groupName: WideString; firstMessage, lastMessage, msgCount: Integer); private

    EventFlag: Integer; function NodePath (Node: TTreeNode): String; public

    Data: String; end;


    NewsForm: TNewsForm;

    Remainder: String;

    Nodes: TStringList; < p> CurrentGroup: String;

    GroupCount: Integer;


    uses Connect;

    ($ R *. DFM)



    TToken = (etEnd, etSymbol, etName, etLiteral);

    TParser = class private

    FFlags: Integer;

    FText: string;

    FSourcePtr: PChar;

    FSourceLine: Integer;

    FTokenPtr: PChar;

    FTokenString: string;

    FToken: TToken; procedure SkipBlanks; procedure NextToken; public constructor Create (const Text: string; Groups: Boolean); end;

    const sfAllowSpaces = 1;

    constructor TParser.Create (const Text: string; Groups: Boolean); begin

    FText: = Text;

    FSourceLine: = 1;

    FSourcePtr: = PChar (Text); if Groups then

    FFlags: = sfAllowSpaces else

    FFlags: = 0;

    NextToken; end;

    procedure TParser.SkipBlanks; begin while True do begin case FSourcePtr ^ of

    # 0: begin if FSourcePtr ^ = # 0 then Exit;

    Continue; end;

    # 10:

    Inc (FSourceLine);

    # 33 .. # 255:

    Exit; end;

    Inc (FSourcePtr); end; end;

    procedure TParser.NextToken; var

    P, TokenStart: PChar; begin


    FTokenString: ='';

    P: = FSourcePtr; while (P ^ # 0) and (P ^ 0 then

    SMTPStatus.SimpleText: = Format ( 'Sending data:% d of% d bytes
    (% d %%)',

    [Trunc (DocInput.BytesTransferred), Trunc (DocInput.BytesTotal),

    Trunc (DocInput.BytesTransferred/DocInput.BytesTotal * 100)] ) else

    SMTPStatus.SimpleText: = 'Sending ...'; icDocEnd: if SMTPError then

    SMTPStatus.SimpleText: =' Transfer aborted 'else

    SMTPStatus.SimpleText: = Format ( 'Mail sent to% s (% d bytesdata) ', [eTo.Text,

    Trunc (DocInput.BytesTransferred)]); end;

    SMTPStatus.Update; end;

    (The Error event is called whenever an error occurs in the backgroundprocessing. In addition to providing an error code and brief description, you can alsoaccess the SMTP component's Errors property (of type icErrors, an OLE object) to getmore detailed information) procedure TMail.SMTP1Error (Sender: TObject; Number: Smallint; var Description: WideString; Scode: Integer; const Source,

    HelpFile: WideString; HelpContext: Integer; var CancelDisplay:
    WordBool); var

    I: Integer;

    ErrorStr: string; begin

    SMTPError: = True;

    CancelDisplay: = True ;

    (Get extended error information) for I: = 1 to SMTP1.Errors.Count do

    ErrorStr: = Format (# 13 '(% s)', [SMTP1. Errors.Item (I). Description ]);

    (Display error code, short and long error description)

    MessageDlg (Format ( '% d -% s% s', [Number, Description, Trim (ErrorStr)]),mtError, [mbOK], 0); end;

    (Unlike POP, SMTP does not require a user account on the host machine,so no user authorization is necessary) procedure TMail.SMTPConnectBtnClick (Sender: TObject); begin if SMTP1.State = prcConnected then

    SMTP1.Quit else if SMTP1.State = prcDisconnected then begin

    SMTP1.RemoteHost: = eSMTPServer.Text;

    SMTPError: = False;

    SMTP1.Connect (NoParam, NoParam); end; end;

    (Unlike SMTP, users must be authorized on the POP server. The componentdefines a special protocol state, popAuthorization, when it requestsauthorization. If authorization is successful, the protocol state changes topopTransaction and

    POP commands can be issued. Note that server connection is independentof the authorization state.) procedure TMail.POP1ProtocolStateChanged (Sender: TObject;

    ProtocolState: Smallint); begin case ProtocolState of popAuthorization:

    POP1.Authenticate (POP1.UserID, POP1. Password); popTransaction:

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: = Format ( 'User% s authorized on server
    % s ', [eUsername.Text, ePOPServer.Text]); end; end;

    (This event is called every time the connection status of the POP serverchanges) procedure TMail.POP1StateChanged (Sender: TObject; State: Smallint); begin case State of prcConnecting:

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: = 'Connecting to POP server:
    '+ POP1.RemoteHost +'...'; prcResolvingHost:

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: =' Resolving Host '; prcHostResolved:

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: =' Host Resolved '; prcConnected : begin

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: = 'Connected to POP server:
    '+ POP1.RemoteHost;

    POPConnectBtn.Caption: =' Disconnect '; end; prcDisconnecting:

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: =' Disconnecting from POP server:
    '+ POP1.RemoteHost +'...'; prcDisconnected: begin

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: =' Disconnected from POP server:
    '+ POP1.RemoteHost;

    POPConnectBtn.Caption: =' Connect '; end; end; ePOPServer.Enabled: = not (State = prcConnected); eUsername.Enabled: = not (State = prcConnected); ePassword.Enabled: = not (State = prcConnected); end;

    (The Error event is called whenever an error occurs in the backgroundprocessing. In addition to providing an error code and brief description, you can alsoaccess the POP component's Errors property (of type icErrors, an OLE object) to getmore detailed information) procedure TMail.POP1Error (Sender: TObject; Number: Smallint; var Description: WideString; Scode: Integer; const Source,

    HelpFile: WideString; HelpContext: Integer; var CancelDisplay:
    WordBool); var

    I: Integer;

    ErrorStr: string; begin

    POPError: = True;

    CancelDisplay: = True ; if POP1.ProtocolState = popAuthorization then

    ConnectStatus.SimpleText: = 'Authorization error';

    (Get extended error information) for I: = 1 to POP1.Errors.Count do

    ErrorStr: = Format (# 13 '(% s)', [POP1.Errors.Item (I). Description ]);

    (Display error code, short and long error description)

    MessageDlg (Format ( '% d -% s% s', [Number, Description, Trim (ErrorStr)]),mtError, [mbOK], 0); end;

    (POP requires a valid user account on the host machine) procedure TMail.POPConnectBtnClick (Sender: TObject); begin if (POP1.State = prcConnected) and (POP1.ProtocolState =popTransaction) and not POP1.Busy then begin mReadMessage.Lines.Clear;

    POP1.Quit; end else if POP1.State = prcDisconnected then begin

    POP1.RemoteHost: = ePOPServer. Text;

    POP1.UserID: = eUserName.Text;

    POP1.Password: = ePassword.Text;

    POP1.Connect (NoParam, NoParam); end; end;

    (The DocOutput event is the just like the DocInput event in 'reverse'.
    It is called each time the component's DocOutput state changes during retrieval of mail fromthe server. When the state = icDocData, you can call DocOutput.GetData to decode each datablock based on the MIME content type specified in the headers.) procedure TMail.POP1DocOutput (Sender: TObject; const DocOutput:
    DocOutput); var

    Buffer: WideString;

    I: Integer; begin case DocOutput.State of icDocBegin:

    POPStatus.SimpleText: = 'Initiating document transfer '; icDocHeaders: begin

    POPStatus.SimpleText: =' Retrieving headers '; for I: = 1 to DocOutput.Headers.Count do mReadMessage.Lines.Add (DocOutput.Headers.Item (I). Name + ':' +

    DocOutput.Headers.Item (I). Value); end; icDocData: begin

    POPStatus.SimpleText: = Format ( 'Retrieving data -% d bytes' ,

    [Trunc (DocOutput.BytesTransferred )]);

    Buffer: = DocOutput.DataString; mReadMessage.Text: = mReadMessage.Text + Buffer; end; icDocEnd: if POPError then

    POPStatus.SimpleText: = 'Transfer aborted' else

    POPStatus.SimpleText: = Format ( 'Retrieval complete (% d bytesdata )',

    [Trunc (DocOutput.BytesTransferred)]); end;

    POPStatus.Update; end;

    (Retrieve message from the server) procedure TMail.udCurMessageClick (Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType); begin if (POP1.State = prcConnected) and (POP1.ProtocolState =popTransaction) then begin

    POPError: = False; mReadMessage.Lines.Clear;

    POP1.RetrieveMessage (udCurMessage.Position); end; end;

    ( The RefreshMessageCount event is called whenever the
    RefreshMessageCount method is called, and also when a connection to the POP server is first made) procedure TMail.POP1RefreshMessageCount (Sender: TObject;

    Number: Integer); begin

    FMessageCount: = Number; udCurMessage.Max: = Number; udCurMessage.Enabled: Number = 0; lMessageCount.Caption: = IntToStr (Number); if Number> 0 then begin udCurMessage.Min: = 1; udCurMessage.Position: = 1;

    POP1.RetrieveMessage (udCurMessage.Position); end; end;





    Mqе ... ° в: зозZјз <

    ил »ц" | я 7 я'Пцpпу лd

    hл | япBIщQє? ЕE K-файл webbrows.dpr

    program Webbrows;


    Forms, main in 'Main.pas' (MainForm),

    SMTP in 'Smtp.pas', (Mail)

    FTP in 'ftp.pas', (MyFtp)

    NNTP in 'nntp.pas', (NewsForm )

    CHAT in 'chat.pas'; (ChatForm)

    ($ R *. RES)


    Application. Initialize;

    Application.CreateForm (TMainForm, MainForm);

    Application.CreateForm (TDocSourceFrm, DocSourceFrm);

    Application.run; end.

    Додаток 1. Оригінальний текст моделі корпоративної мережі

    uses crt, dos, graph;

    CONST VertexQuantity = 7;

    DelayInDomain = 1000;

    DelaySendToRouter = 1000;

    DelayRouterReceive = 1000;

    AdjacencyMatrix: array [1 .. VertexQuantity, 1 .. VertexQuantity] of byte = (

    (0,1 , 0,1,0,0,0),


    (0,1,0,1 , 0,0,0),


    (0,1,0,1,0,1 , 0),


    (0,1,0,0,0,1,0)) ;

    TYPE TAddr = record (address format) router: byte; domain: byte; comp: byte;


    TYPE TBatch = record (batch format) from: TAddr; to_: TAddr; data: string; path: array [1 .. 20] of byte; (path is chain of router numbers)


    TYPE TComp = object (terminal) addr: TAddr; (adress) mem: TBatch; (memory)

    Procedure Send2Router (batch: TBatch); (send batch)

    Procedure Send ( batch: TBatch); (send batch into domain)

    Procedure Receive (batch: TBatch; byRouter: boolean); (receive batch)


    TYPE TRouter = object num: byte; x, y: integer; memory: Tbatch; state: boolean; (active or inactive)

    Procedure Receive (routerNum: byte; batch: TBatch);

    Procedure Send2Comp (batch: TBatch);

    Procedure CalcMinPath (sender, target: byte);

    Procedure Send2NextRouter (batch: TBatch; currentRouter: byte);


    VAR computers: array [1 .. 38] of TComp; (all computers in the globalnet) routers: array [1 .. 7] of TRouter; (all routers in the global net)

    OptimalPath: array [1 .. 49] of byte; (1 -> [1,2 , 3,4,5])

    OptPathPtr: byte;

    type TMark = record delta: integer; prevPtr: byte; end; type vertex = record mark: TMark; marked: boolean; end;

    AdjacencyRec = record link: byte; weight: integer; end;

    VAR AMatr: array [1 .. 7,1 .. 7] of AdjacencyRec; vertexArr : array [1 .. 7] of vertex;

    PROCEDURE HiddenCursor; assembler; asm mov ah, 01 mov ch, 20 mov cl, 18 int 10h end;

    PROCEDURE NormalCursor; assembler; asm mov ah, 01 mov ch, 9 mov cl, 10 int 10h end;

    Procedure Push (num: byte);


    OptimalPath [OptPathPtr 1]: = num; inc (OptPathPtr);


    Procedure Pop;


    OptimalPath [ OptPathPtr]: = 0; dec (OptPathPtr);


    Procedure ShowGraphics (second: boolean);

    Var grDr, grMode: integer; i : integer;

    Begin grDr: = vga; grMode: = 2;

    InitGraph (grDr, grMode, 'd: langtpbgi');

    SetTextStyle ( DefaultFont, HorizDir, 2); SetColor (lightRed);

    OutTextXY (10,20, 'Arrangement scheme of routers');

    SetColor (white); Rectangle (5,15,480 , 40);

    Rectangle (5,48,480,70); SetTextStyle (DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); setcolor (lightgreen);

    OutTextXY (10,55, 'Main address: Router.Domain.Computer (for ex.,
    4.2.4) '); setcolor (white); setFillStyle (7, lightblue); floodfill (5,5, white);

    setlinestyle (0,0,3); rectangle (0,0, getmaxX-20, getmaxY-20); setFillStyle (9, lightgray); floodfill (getmaxX, getmaxY, white); setlinestyle (0,0, NormWidth);

    SetFillStyle (1, red);

    {------------------- router circles ----------------------- )

    Circle (routers [1]. x, routers [1]. y, 10); FloodFill (routers [1]. x, routers [1]. y, white);

    Circle (routers [2]. x, routers [2]. y, 10); FloodFill (routers [2]. x, routers [2]. y, white);

    Circle (routers [3]. x, routers [3]. y, 10); FloodFill (routers [3]. x, routers [3]. y, white);

    Circle (routers [4]. x, routers [4]. y, 10); FloodFill (routers [4]. x, routers [4]. y, white);

    Circle (routers [5]. x, routers [5]. y, 10); FloodFill (routers [5]. x, routers [5]. y, white);

    Circle (routers [6]. x, routers [6]. y, 10); FloodFill (routers [6]. x, routers [6]. y, white);

    Circle (routers [7]. x, routers [7]. y, 10); FloodFill (routers [7]. x, routers [7]. y, white);

    SetFillStyle (1, yellow);

    SetColor (red );{------------------- router lines -------------------------

    Line (routers [1]. x, routers [1]. y-10, routers [2]. x-2, routers [2]. y +10); < p> Line (routers [1]. x, routers [1]. y 10, routers [4]. x-10, routers [4]. y-6);

    Line (routers [ 3]. x, routers [3]. y-10, routers [2]. x 2, routers [2]. y +10);

    Line (routers [3]. x, routers [3]. y 10, routers [4]. x, routers [4]. y-10);

    Line (routers [2]. x 4, routers [2]. y + 10, routers [5]. x-2, routers [5]. y-10);

    Line (routers [2]. x 10, routers [2]. y, routers [7] . x-10, routers [7]. y);

    Line (routers [5]. x 2, routers [5]. y-10, routers [6]. x, routers [6 ]. y +10);

    Line (routers [6]. x, routers [6]. y-10, routers [7]. x, routers [7]. y +10);

    Line (routers [4]. x 10, routers [4]. y, routers [5]. x-10, routers [5]. y);

    (domains ) {------------- domain 1.1 --------------------------------- -

    SetTextStyle (DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); SetColor (white);

    Rectangle (routers [1]. x-50, routers [1]. y-50, routers [1]. x-30, routers [1]. y-

    FloodFill (routers [1]. X-48, routers [1]. Y-48, white);

    Circle (20, routers [1]. Y -30,8); FloodFill (20, routers [1]. y-30, white);

    Circle (40, routers [1]. y-30, 8); FloodFill (40, routers [1]. y-30, white);

    Circle (60, routers [1]. y-30, 8); FloodFill (60, routers [1]. y-30, white);

    SetColor (white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-5, routers [1]. y-10, routers [1]. x-20, routers [ 1]. y-30);

    Line (routers [1]. x-20, routers [1]. y-30, routers [1]. x-110, routers [1]. y -

    {------------- domain 1.2 ------------------------ ----------}

    Rectangle (routers [1]. x-30, routers [1]. y 80, routers [1]. x-
    5, routers [1]. Y +92);

    FloodFill (routers [1]. X-28, routers [1]. Y 82, white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-2, routers [1]. y 10, routers [1]. x-20, routers [1]. y +80);

    Circle (routers [1 ]. x-48, routers [1]. y +62,9);

    FloodFill (routers [1]. x-48, routers [1]. y 62, white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-28, routers [1]. y 82, routers [1]. x-52, routers [1]. y +62);

    Circle (routers [1]. x 10, routers [1]. y +62,8);

    FloodFill (routers [1]. x 10, routers [1]. y 62 , white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-5, routers [1]. y 82, routers [1]. x 10, routers [1]. y +62);

    Circle (routers [1]. x-48, routers [1]. y +92,8);

    FloodFill (routers [1]. x-48, routers [ 1]. y 92, white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-28, routers [1]. y 90, routers [1]. x-48, routers [1] . y +92);

    Circle (routers [1]. x-43, routers [1]. y +115,8);

    FloodFill (routers [1]. x-43, routers [1]. y 115, white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-23, routers [1]. y 90, routers [1]. x -
    48, routers [1]. Y +115);

    Circle (routers [1]. X-18, routers [1]. Y +115,8);

    FloodFill (routers [1]. x-18, routers [1]. y 115, white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-18, routers [1]. y 90, routers [1]. x-
    18, routers [1]. Y +115);

    Circle (routers [1]. X 13, routers [1]. Y +113,8);

    FloodFill (routers [1]. x 13, routers [1]. y 113, white);

    Line (routers [1]. x-5, routers [1]. y 92, routers [1]. x 13, routers [1]. y +113);

    {------------- domain 2.1 --------- -------------------------}

    Rectangle (routers [2]. x-
    25, routers [2]. Y 70, routers [2]. X 16, routers [2]. Y +79);

    FloodFill (routers [2]. X-24, routers [ 2]. y 72, white);

    Line (routers [2]. x, routers [2]. y 10, routers [2]. x-5, routers [2]. y +70);

    Circle (routers [2]. x-24, routers [2]. y +100,8);

    FloodFill (routers [2]. x - 24, routers [2]. y 100, white);

    Line (routers [2]. x, routers [2]. y 72, routers [2]. x-24, routers [ 2]. y +100);

    {------------- domain 2.2 ------------------- ---------------}

    Rectangle (routers [2]. x-80, routers [2]. y 10, routers [2]. x -
    60, routers [2]. Y +37);

    FloodFill (routers [2]. X-78, routers [2]. Y 12, white);

    Line (routers [2]. x-10, routers [2]. y, routers [2]. x-70, routers [2]. y +20);

    Circle (routers [2]. x-110, routers [2]. y +20,8);

    FloodFill (routers [2]. x-110, routers [2]. y 20, white);

    Circle (routers [2]. x-140, routers [2]. y +20,8);

    FloodFill (routers [2]. x-140, routers [2]. y 20, white);

    Line (routers [2]. x-70, routers [2]. y 20, routers [2]. x-
    150, routers [2]. Y +20);

    {------------- domain 3.1 --------------- -------------------}

    Rectangle (routers [3]. x-45, routers [3]. y-47, routers [3 ]. x-25, routers [3]. y-

    FloodFill (routers [3]. X-43, routers [3]. Y-45, white);

    Circle (routers [3]. X-60 , routers [3]. y-37, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [3]. x-60, routers [3]. y-37, white);

    Circle (routers [3]. x-80, routers [3]. y-37, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [3]. x-80, routers [3]. y-37, white);

    Line (routers [3]. x-7, routers [3]. y-8, routers [3]. x-35, routers [3]. y-37);

    Line (routers [3]. x-35, routers [3]. y-37, routers [3]. x-90, routers [3]. y-37); < p> {------------- domain 4.1 -------------------------------- --}

    Rectangle (routers [4]. x-39, routers [4]. y-82, routers [4]. x-13, routers [4]. y-

    FloodFill (routers [4]. X-37, routers [4]. Y-81, white);

    Line (routers [4]. X-4 , routers [4]. y-10, routers [4]. x-25, routers [4]. y-70);

    Circle (routers [4]. x-40, routers [4 ]. y-105, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [4]. x-40, routers [4]. y-105, white);

    Line (routers [ 4]. x-25, routers [4]. y-75, routers [4]. x-40, routers [4]. y-

    Circle (routers [4]. X-60, routers [4]. Y-70, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [4]. X-60 , routers [4]. y-70, white);

    Line (routers [4]. x-25, routers [4]. y-75, routers [4]. x-60, routers [4]. y-70);

    Circle (routers [4]. x-40, routers [4]. y-50, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [ 4]. x-40, routers [4]. y-50, white);

    Line (routers [4]. x-25, routers [4]. y-75, routers [4] . x-40, routers [4]. y-50);

    {------------- domain 4.2 ------------ ----------------------}

    Rectangle (routers [4]. x 25, routers [4]. y-35, routers [4]. x 45, routers [4]. y-

    FloodFill (routers [4]. X 27, routers [4]. Y-33, white);

    Circle (routers [4]. X 57 , routers [4]. y-25, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [4]. x 57, routers [4]. y-25, white);

    Circle (routers [4]. x 77, routers [4]. y-25, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [4]. x 77, routers [4]. y-25, white);

    Circle (routers [4]. x 97, routers [4]. y-25, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [4]. x 97 , routers [4]. y-25, white);

    Circle (routers [4]. x 117, routers [4]. y-25, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [4]. x 117, routers [4]. y-25, white);

    Line (routers [4]. x 9, routers [4]. y-7, routers [4]. x 20, routers [4]. y-25);

    Line (routers [4]. x 20, routers [4]. y-25, routers [4] . x 127, routers [4]. y-

    {------------- domain 5.1 ------------------------ ----------}

    Rectangle (routers [5]. x-30, routers [5]. y-130, routers [5]. x-
    10, routers [5]. Y-100);

    FloodFill (routers [5]. X-25, routers [5]. Y-128, white);

    Line (routers [5]. x, routers [5]. y-10, routers [5]. x-20, routers [5]. y-120);

    Circle (routers [5]. x-48, routers [5]. y-90, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [5]. x-48, routers [5]. y-120 +30, white);

    Line (routers [5]. x-20, routers [5]. y-120, routers [5]. x-48, routers [5]. y-

    Circle (routers [5]. X-50, routers [5]. Y-120, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [5]. X-50 , routers [5]. y-120, white);

    Line (routers [5]. x-20, routers [5]. y-120, routers [5]. x-50, routers [5]. y-

    Circle (routers [5]. X-25, routers [5]. Y-150, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [5]. X-25 , routers [5]. y-150, white);

    Line (routers [5]. x-20, routers [5]. y-120, routers [5]. x-25, routers [5]. y-

    Circle (routers [5]. X 2, routers [5]. Y-150, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [5]. X 2 , routers [5]. y-150, white);

    Line (routers [5]. x-20, routers [5]. y-120, routers [5]. x 2, routers [5]. y-

    {------------- domain 6.1 ------------------------ ----------}

    Rectangle (routers [6]. x-30, routers [6]. y-10, routers [6]. x-
    14, routers [6]. Y +14);

    FloodFill (routers [6]. X-28, routers [6]. Y-8, white);

    Circle (routers [6]. x-42, routers [6]. y, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [6]. x-42, routers [6]. y, white);

    Circle (routers [6]. x-62, routers [6]. y, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [6]. x-62, routers [6]. y , white);

    Circle (routers [6]. x-82, routers [6]. y, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [6]. x-82, routers [6]. y, white);

    Line (routers [6]. x-10, routers [6]. y, routers [6]. x-92, routers [6]. y );

    {------------- domain 7.1 ------------------------- ---------}

    Rectangle (routers [7]. x-10, routers [7]. y-50, routers [7]. x 10, routers [7] . y-

    FloodFill (routers [7]. X-8, routers [7]. Y-48, white);

    Line (routers [7]. X, routers [7]. y-10, routers [7]. x, routers [7]. y-50);

    Circle (routers [7]. x-35, routers [7]. y - 20,8);

    FloodFill (routers [7]. x-35, routers [7]. y-20, white);

    Line (routers [7]. x , routers [7]. y-50, routers [7]. x-35, routers [7]. y-20);

    Circle (routers [7]. x-35, routers [7 ]. y-60, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [7]. x-35, routers [7]. y-60, white);

    Circle (routers [ 7]. x 15, routers [7]. y-70, 8);

    FloodFill (routers [7]. x 15, routers [7]. y-70, white);

    Line (routers [7]. x, routers [7]. y-50, routers [7]. x 15, routers [7]. y-70);

    Line (routers [7]. x, routers [7]. y-50, routers [7]. x-35, routers [7]. y-60);

    SetColor (cyan);

    OuttextXY (18, routers [1]. y-32, '4');

    OuttextXY (38, routers [1]. y-32, '3 '); OuttextXY (58, routers [1]. y-32, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x-48, routers [1]. y-48, 'FS');

    OuttextXY (78, routers [1]. y-32, '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x 8, routers [1]. y 60 , '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x-50, routers [1]. y 60, '6');

    OutTextXY (routers [1 ]. x-50, routers [1]. y 89, '5');

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x-45, routers [1]. y 113, '4 ' );

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x-20, routers [1]. y 112, '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x - 28, routers [1]. y 82, 'hub');

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x 11, routers [1]. y 111, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [2]. x-24, routers [2]. y 72, 'modem');

    OutTextXY (routers [2]. x-26, routers [ 2]. y 98, '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [2]. x-78, routers [2]. y 12, 'FS');

    OutTextXY (routers [2]. x-73, routers [2]. y 24, '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [2]. x-112, routers [2]. y 18, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [2]. x-142, routers [2]. y 18, '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [3]. x-42, routers [3]. y-45, 'FS');

    OutTextXY (routers [3]. x-38, routers [3]. y-30,' 1');

    OutTextXY (routers [3]. x-62, routers [3]. y-40, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [3]. x-82, routers [3]. y-40, '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x-37, routers [4]. y-80, 'hub');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x-42, routers [4]. y-107, '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x-62, routers [4]. y-73, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x-42, routers [4]. y-53, '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x 28, routers [4]. y-33, 'FS');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x 33, routers [4] . y-20, '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x 55, routers [4]. y-27, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x 75, routers [4]. y-27, '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x 95, routers [4]. y-27 , '4');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x 115, routers [4]. y-27, '5');

    OutTextXY (routers [5 ]. x-27, routers [5]. y-127, 'FS');

    OutTextXY (routers [5]. x-21, routers [5]. y-110, '1' );

    OutTextXY (routers [5]. x-51, routers [5]. y-92, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [5]. x - 51, routers [5]. y-122, '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [5]. x-27, routers [5]. y-152, '4');

    OutTextXY (routers [5]. x, routers [5]. y-152, '5');

    OutTextXY (routers [6]. x-29, routers [6] . y-8, 'FS');

    OutTextXY (routers [6]. x-25, routers [6]. y 4, '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [6]. x-44, routers [6]. y-2, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [6]. x-64, routers [6]. y-2 , '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [6]. x-84, routers [6]. y-2, '4');

    OutTextXY (routers [7 ]. x-7, routers [7]. y-48, 'FS');

    OutTextXY (routers [7]. x-2, routers [7]. y-35, '1' );

    OutTextXY (routers [7]. x-37, routers [7]. y-22, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [7]. x - 37, routers [7]. y-62, '3');

    OutTextXY (routers [7]. x 12, routers [7]. y-72, '4');

    SetColor (white);

    OutTextXY (10,230, 'Domain 1.1'); OutTextXY (10,338, 'Domain 1.2');

    OutTextXY (200,220,' Domain 2.1 '); OutTextXY (110,150,' Domain 2.2');

    OutTextXY (210,240, 'Domain 3.1');

    OutTextXY (170,320,' Domain 4.1 '); OutTextXY ( 330,370, 'Domain 4.2');

    OutTextXY (430,250,' Domain 5.1');

    OutTextXY (450,175, 'Domain 6.1');

    ( ------------- router numbers -------------------------)

    SetColor ( black);

    OutTextXY (routers [1]. x-2, routers [1]. y-2, '1');

    OutTextXY (routers [2]. x -2, routers [2]. y-2, '2');

    OutTextXY (routers [3]. x-2, routers [3]. y-2, '3 ');

    OutTextXY (routers [4]. x-2, routers [4]. y-2, '4');

    OutTextXY (routers [5]. x-2, routers [5]. y-2, '5');

    OutTextXY (routers [6]. x-2, routers [6]. y-2, '6'); < p> OutTextXY (routers [7]. x-2, routers [7]. y-2, '7 '); if second then begin setlinestyle (0,0,3); setcolor ((white) green); for i : = 1 to OptPathPtr-2 do

    Line (routers [OptimalPath [i]]. x, routers [OptimalPath [i]]. y, routers [OptimalPath [i +1]]. x, routers [OptimalPath [i +1]]. y); while not keypressed do for i: = 1 to 63 do SetRGBPalette (green, 0, i, 0); end; if not second then while not keypressed do for i: = 1 to 63 do SetRGBPalette (red, i, 0,0);


    Procedure ShowTime (x, y: integer);

    VAR h, m, s, hund: Word;

    Function LeadingZero (w: Word): String; var s: String; begin

    Str (w: 0, s); if Length ( s) = 1 then s: = '0 '+ s;

    LeadingZero: = s; end;


    GetTime (h, m, s , hund); TextColor (Green); GotoXY (x, y); Write (LeadingZero (h ),':',

    LeadingZero (m ),':', LeadingZero (s), '. ', LeadingZero (hund ));


    Function Dist (x1, y1, x2, y2: longint): longint; var temp: longint; < p> Begin temp: = sqr (x2-x1) + sqr (y2-y1); temp: = trunc ((sqrt (temp )));

    Dist: = temp; < p> End;

    {----------------- objects implementation part -----------------)

    {--------------- Computer procedures ---------------)

    Procedure TComp . Send2Router (batch: TBatch); (send batch to it's router)

    VAR i: byte; tmpFrom: TAddr;


    Delay (DelaySendToRouter) ; tmpFrom: = batch.from; i: = batch.from.router; routers [i]. memory: = batch; (router receive data from his domain'scomputer) showtime (wherex, wherey); writeln ( '>', tmpFrom.router ,'.', tmpFrom.domain ,'.', tmpFrom.comp,

    'says: I send data', ' "', batch.data ,'"',' for
    ', batch.to_.router ,'.', batch.to_.domain ,'.', batch.to_.comp,' to router ', i); for i: = 1 to 38 do if < p> (computers [i]. addr.router = tmpFrom.router) AND
    (computers [i]. addr.domain = tmpFrom.domain)

    AND (computers [i]. addr.comp = tmpFrom.comp) then break; computers [i]. mem.data: = ' '; (clear memory)


    Procedure TComp.Send (batch: TBatch); (into domain)

    VAR i: byte; tmpTo, tmpFrom: TAddr;


    Delay (DelayInDomain); tmpTo: = batch.to_; tmpFrom: = batch.from; for i: = 1 to 38 do if

    (computers [i]. addr.router = tmpTo.router) AND
    (computers [i]. addr.domain = tmpTo.domain)

    AND (computers [i]. addr.comp = tmpTo.comp) then break; computers [i]. mem: = batch; ( Send!) showtime (wherex, wherey); writeln ( '>', tmpFrom.router ,'.', tmpFrom.domain ,'.', tmpFrom.comp,

    'says: I send data' ,'"', batch.data ,'"',' to
    ', batch.to_.router ,'.', batch.to_.domain ,'.', batch.to_.comp); for i: = 1 to 38 do if

    (computers [i] . addr.router = tmpFrom.router) AND
    (computers [i]. addr.domain = tmpFrom.domain)

    AND (computers [i]. addr.comp = tmpFrom.comp) then break; computers [i]. mem.data: = ' '; (clear memory)


    Procedure TComp.Receive (batch: TBatch; byRouter: boolean); (computer receivedata from his domain's router)

    VAR tmpTo: TAddr;


    Delay (DelayInDomain); tmpTo: = batch.to_; showtime (wherex, wherey ); write ( '>', tmpTo.router ,'.', tmpTo.domain ,'.', tmpTo.comp,

    'says: I receive data','"', batch.data ,'"',' from
    ', batch.from.router ,'.', batch.from.domain ,'.', batch.from.comp); if byRouter then writeln (' by router ', tmpTo.router);


    {------------- Router procedures -------------------)

    Procedure TRouter.CalcMinPath (sender, target: byte);

    VAR i, j: byte; k: byte;

    AllVertexMarked: boolean;


    {----------------------- Initialization ---------------- ----------} for i: = 1 to 7 do for j: = 1 to 7 do if AdjacencyMatrix [i, j] = 1 then AMatr [i, j]. link: = 1 else AMatr [i, j]. link: = 0; for i: = 1 to 7 do for j: = 1 to 7 do AMatr [i, j]. weight: = 0;


    For j: = 2 to7 do for i: = 1 to j-1 do AMatr [i, j]. weight: = random (50); for i: = 1 to 7 do vertexArr [i]. marked: = false;

    {-------------------------- Make marks --------- --------------------}

    {---- mark last vertex ----}

    vertexArr [ target]. mark.delta: = 0; vertexArr [target]. mark.prevPtr: = target; vertexArr [target]. marked: = true;

    AllVertexMarked: = false;

    While not AllVertexMarked do BEGIN

    For j: = 1 to 7 do

    For i: = 1 to 7 do begin (j ---> i) if (AMatr [i , j]. link0) AND (vertexArr [j]. marked)

    AND (not vertexArr [i]. marked) then begin if not ((vertexArr [j]. marked) AND (j = sender )) then begin

    vertexArr [i]. mark.delta: = vertexArr [j]. mark.delta + AMatr [j, i]. weight; vertexArr [i]. mark.prevPtr: = j ; vertexArr [i]. marked: = true; end; end;


    AllVertexMarked: = true; for i: = 1 to 7 do if vertexArr [i]. marked = false then
    AllVertexMarked: = false;

    END; (While not AllVertexMarked)

    {----------------------- --- Main test -----------------------------} for i: = 1 to 49 do OptimalPath [i]: = 0 ;

    For i: = 1 to 7 do vertexArr [i]. marked: = false; vertexArr [sender]. marked: = true;

    For j: = 1 to 7 do

    For i: = 1 to 7 do begin {---- deltaA-deltaB> d (AB) then changemark)

    () if (vertexArr [j]. marked) AND (not (vertexArr [i]. marked)) then begin vertexArr [i]. marked: = true; for k: = 1 to 7 do if (AMatr [k, j]. link = 1) then begin

    if vertexArr [j]. mark.delta -vertexArr [k]. mark.delta> AMatr [k, j]. weight then begin vertexArr [j]. mark.prevPtr: = k; vertexArr [j]. mark.delta: = vertexArr [k]. mark.delta + AMatr [k, j]. weight; vertexArr [k]. marked: = true; end (else vertexArr [k]. marked: = true); end; end;

    () end; (if adjacency vertex found) push (sender);

    k: = vertexArr [sender]. mark.prevPtr; push (k);

    While ktarget do begin push (vertexArr [k] . mark.PrevPtr); k: = vertexArr [k]. mark.PrevPtr;



    Procedure TRouter.Send2NextRouter (batch: TBatch; currentRouter: byte);


    Delay (DelayRouterReceive + AMatr [currentRouter, OptimalPath [OptPathPtr]]. link);

    showtime (wherex, wherey); writeln ( '> router', currentRouter,

    'says: I send data','"', batch.data ,'"',' from
    ', batch.from.router ,'.', batch.from.domain ,'.', batch.from.comp,' to router ', OptimalPath [OptPathPtr]); routers [OptimalPath [OptPathPtr]]. memory: = batch; inc (OptPathPtr); routers [currentRouter]. memory.data :=''{ clear memory)


    Procedure TRouter.receive (routerNum: byte; batch: TBatch);


    Delay (DelayRouterReceive); showtime (wherex, wherey); writeln ( '> router', routerNum,

    'says: I receive data','"', batch.data ,'"',' from
    ', batch.from.router ,'.', batch.from.domain ,'.', batch.from.comp);


    Procedure TRouter.send2comp ( batch: TBatch);

    VAR i: byte; tmpTo, tmpFrom: TAddr;


    Delay (DelayInDomain); tmpTo: = batch.to_; tmpFrom: = batch.from; for i: = 1 to 38 do if

    (computers [i]. addr.router = tmpTo.router) AND
    (computers [i]. addr.domain = tmpTo.domain)

    AND (computers [i]. addr.comp = tmpTo.comp) then break; computers [i]. mem: = batch; ( Send!) showtime (wherex, wherey); writeln ( '> router', tmpTo.router,

    'says: I send data','"', batch.data ,'"',' to
    ', batch.to_.router ,'.', batch.to_.domain ,'.', batch.to_.comp); routers [tmpTo.router]. memory.data :='';{ clear memory)


    Procedure Initialization;

    VAR i, j: integer;


    (--- ---------- INITIALIZATION PART -------------}

    FOR i: = 1 to 7 do begin (routers initialization) routers [i] . num: = i; routers [i]. state: = true; routers [i]. memory.data :=''; for j: = 1 to 20 do routers [i]. memory.path [j]: = 0;

    END; routers [1]. x: = 120; routers [1]. y: = 300; routers [2]. x: = 250; routers [2]. y: = 100 ; routers [3]. x: = 320; routers [3]. y: = 300; routers [4]. x: = 300; routers [4]. y: = 420; routers [5]. x: = 500 ; routers [5]. y: = 420; routers [6]. x: = 540; routers [6]. y: = 200; routers [7]. x: = 550; routers [7]. y: = 100 ;

    FOR i: = 1 to 38 do computers [i]. mem.data :='';{ computersinitialization) j: = 1; for i: = 1 to 4 do begin (router 1, domain 1) computers [i]. addr.router: = 1; computers [i]. addr.domain: = 1; computers [i ]. addr.comp: = j; inc (j); end; j: = 1; for i: = 5 to 10 do begin (router 1, domain 2) computers [i]. addr.router: = 1; computers [i]. addr.domain: = 2; computers [i]. addr.comp: = j; inc (j); end; (router 2, domain 1)

    computers [11]. addr . router: = 2; computers [11]. addr.domain: = 1; computers [11]. addr
    . comp: = 1; j: = 1; for i: = 12 to 14 do begin (router 2, domain 2) computers [i]. addr.router: = 2; computers [i]. Addr.domain: = 2; computers [i]. Addr.comp: = j; inc (j); end; j: = 1; for i: = 15 to 17 do begin ( router 3, domain 1) computers [i]. addr.router: = 3; computers [i]. addr.domain: = 1; computers [i]. addr.comp: = j; inc (j); end; j : = 1; for i: = 18 to 20 do begin (router 4, domain 1) computers [i]. addr.router: = 4; computers [i]. addr.domain: = 1; computers [i]. addr . comp: = j; inc (j); end; j: = 1; for i: = 21 to 25 do begin (router 4, domain 2) computers [i]. addr.router: = 4; computers [i] . addr.domain: = 2; computers [i]. addr.comp: = j; inc (j); end; j: = 1; for i: = 26 to 30 do begin (router 5, domain 1) computers [ i]. addr.router: = 5; computers [i]. addr.domain: = 1; computers [i]. addr.comp: = j; inc (j); end; j: = 1; for i: = 31 to 34 do begin (router 6, domain 1) computers [i]. addr.router: = 6; computers [i]. addr.domain: = 1; computers [i]. addr.comp: = j; inc ( j); end; j: = 1; for i: = 35 to 38 do begin (router 7, domain 1) computers [i]. addr.router: = 7; computers [i]. addr.domain: = 1; computers [i]. addr.comp: = j; inc (j); end;

    {------------- END OF INITIALIZATION PART ------ -------}


    Procedure Error (ErrorNum: byte);

    Begin textcolor (lightred); writeln ( 'Error! '); case ErrorNum of

    1: writeln (' One (or two) of above addresses are not exist');

    2: writeln ( 'FROM and TO are same' ); end; readln; halt;


    VAR tmpStr: string; tmpFrom: TAddr; tmpTo: TAddr; tmpData: string; i, j: integer; tmpX, tmpY : integer;

    FromNum, ToNum: byte; (index FROM and TO computers in array)

    BEGIN {------------- MAIN PROGRAM -- --------------}


    ShowGraphics (false); readln; CloseGraph;

    ClrScr; TextColor (LightGreen); write ( 'Global Network Emulation'); ShowTime (70,1); writeln;

    {------------- ADDRESS AND DATA REQUEST --- ------------}

    Write ( 'Enter FROM address (XXX):'); readln (tmpStr); (FROM request -

    Val (tmpStr [1], tmpFrom.router, i); Val (tmpStr [3], tmpFrom.domain, i);

    Val ( tmpStr [5], tmpFrom.comp, i); (target request -------------------------

    Write ( 'Enter TO address (XXX):'); readln (tmpStr);

    Val (tmpStr [1], tmpTo.router, i) ; Val (tmpStr [3], tmpTo.domain, i);

    Val (tmpStr [5], tmpTo.comp, i);

    Write ( 'Enter string-type DATA: '); readln (tmpData);

    {------------- SEARCH' FROM 'TERMINAL -------------- -----} for i: = 1 to 38 do if

    (computers [i]. addr.router = tmpFrom.router) AND
    (computers [i]. addr.domain = tmpFrom.domain)

    AND (computers [i]. addr.comp = tmpFrom.comp) then FromNum: = i;

    ( ------------- SEARCH 'TO' TERMINAL ----------------------} for i: = 1 to 38 do if

    (computers [i]. addr.router = tmpTo.router) AND
    (computers [i]. addr.domain = tmpTo.domain)

    AND (computers [i]. addr.comp = tmpTo.comp) then ToNum: = i; if (FromNum = 0) OR ( ToNum = 0) then Error (1); if FromNum = ToNum then Error (2); (computer cannot send batch to itself)

    {------------- FILL 'ADDRESS' FIELDS ---

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