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    the Great Sailor



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    French. The ruler of France was then the Emperor Napoleon. He wished tomake himself ruler of the whole world. With his armies Napoleon madehimself ruler over many lands, but he never ruled Britian. Why was this?
    Britian was an island, and the ships of the British navy would not let
    Napoleon and his In 1805 a great war was fought between the British and thearmies cross the sea. The greatest of all the British sailors at this timewas Horatio Nelson.

    Nelson fought many times against the French ships. He was very brave,and when the ship was in battle, he was always to be seen on desk, cheeringon his man. In one battle he was blinded in his right eye; in another helost his right arm; but he didn `t think of giving up.

    Nelson was kind and just, as well as brave. Once, when he saw that ayoung boy who had jast joined the ship was afraid to climb up the tallmasts, he cried out; «Сome along, I` ll race you to the top! »In the raceto be the first the boy forgot his fear.

    "There, now," said Nelson when the two were at the top, "that` snothing! You must learn to climb masts much higher than this! "

    " Our Nel, "the man used to say," is as brave as lion, and as gentleas a lamb. "

    Nelson` s great fight with the French was the battle of Trafalgar,which was fought near Cape Trafalgar on the coast of Spain. Just as thebattle was about to begin, the signal flags were seen flying on the mastsof Nelson `s ship, the Victory. This was the signal which the Britishsailors read: England Expects That Every Man This Day Will Do His Duty.

    As the British ships bore down on the French line, the sailorsremembered Nelson `s message, and made up their minds to fight their hardestfor their brave leader.

    Soon the battle was raging. The guns roared, ships crashed togetherand masts struck by gunfire fell with a thud to the decks. Through thenoise and the smoke the captains and officers shouted their commands, thesailors toiled at the guns and the ships `boys ran to and fro with powderand shot.

    Nelson, on the Victory, was on deck as usual. His men could pick him out,even through the smoke, by the four stars which shone upon his blue andwhite coat. These four stars were the cause of his death. A man on one ofthe enemy ships saw them and fired. Nelson was struck on the shoulder andwas carried below to die.

    Already the British were winning the fight. Nelson heard cheer aftercheer from his men, as one enemy ship after another was captured. Beforelong one of his officers brought word that the battle was won.

    Two hours later the gallant sailor died. With his last breath hesaid: "Thank God, I have done my duty! '

    Admiral Horatio Nelson won several brilliant victories over the French

    Navy near the coast of Egypt, at Copenhagen, and finally near Spain, at

    Trafalgar, in 1805, where he destroyed the French-Spanish fleet. Nelson was himself killed, but became one of Britain `s greatest national heroes. His words before the battle of Trafalgar, "England Expects That

    Every Man Will Do His Duty", have remained a reminder of patriotic duty in time of national danger.

    Реферат Банк
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