King Alfred the Great h2>
For two hundred years the English people were at war
with the Danes who came from Denmark and the Northmen who came from
Scandinavia. King Alfred when he was a
boy of sixteen took part in the battles with the enemies. At twenty he became
king of Wessex and began to prepare for the defence of the country. He built a
feet of ships and fortifications on the coasts. The small kingdoms were united
to fignt against the invaders. After the victory over the Danes, King Alfred
did much for his people. He opened schools, asked scholars to translate into
English the best works of world literature and worked out the English code. The
English people named him Alfred the Great. P>
to be at war-воювати p>
defence - оборона p>
the Danes - датчани p>
Denmark - Данія p>
the Northmen --
жителі північної Європи; скандинави p>
a battle - битва p>
a fleet - флот p>
fortifications-зміцнення p>
to unite-об'єднуватися p>
a scholar-науковець p>
a code - звід законів p>
літератури h2>
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