Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849), American writer, known as a poet and criticbut most famous as the first master of the short story form, especiallytales of the mysterious and macabre. p>
Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. His parents, touring actors,both died in Poe's early childhood, and the boy was raised by John Allan, asuccessful businessman of Richmond, Virginia who was presumably hisgodfather. Taken by the Allan family to England at the age of six, he wasplaced in a private school. Upon returning to the United States in 1820 hecontinued to study in private schools and attended the University of
Virginia for a year, but in 1827 his foster father, displeased by the youngman's drinking and gambling, refused to pay his debts and forced him towork as a clerk. p>
Poe, disliking his new duties intensely, left the job, thus estranging
Allan, and went to Boston. There his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems
(1827), was published anonymously. Shortly afterwards Poe enlisted in the
US Army and served a 2-year term. In 1829 his second volume of verse, Al
Aaraaf, was published, and he effected a reconciliation with Allan, whosecured him an appointment to the US Military Academy. After only a fewmonths at the academy Poe was dismissed for neglect of duty, and his fosterfather disowned him permanently. p>
Poe's third book, Poems, appeared in 1831, and the following year he movedto Baltimore, where he lived with his aunt and her 11-year-old daughter,
Virginia Clemm. The following year his tale "A MS. Found in a Bottle "won acontest sponsored by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor. From 1835 to 1837 Poewas an editor of the Southern Literary Messenger. In 1836 he married hisyoung cousin. Through the next decade, much of which was marred by hiswife's long illness, Poe worked as an editor for various periodicals in
Philadelphia and New York. In 1847 Virginia died and Poe himself becameill; his disastrous alcohol addiction and his alleged use of drugs may havecontributed to his early death in Baltimore, on October 7, 1849. p>
Stories p>
Poe, by his own choice, was a poet, but economic necessity forced him toturn to the relatively profitable genre of prose. Whether or not Poeinvented the short story, it is certain that he originated the novel ofdetection. Perhaps his best-known tale in this genre is "The Gold Bug"
(1843), about a search for buried treasure. "The Murders in the Rue Morgue"
(1841), "The Mystery of Marie Rogkt" (1842-1843), and "The Purloined
Letter "(1844) are regarded as predecessors of the modern mystery, ordetective, story. p>
Many of Poe's tales are distinguished by the author's unique grotesqueinventiveness in addition to his superb plot construction. Such storiesinclude "The Fall of the House of Usher" (1839); "The Pit and the Pendulum"
(1842); "The Tell-Tale Heart" (1843); and "The Cask of Amontillado" (1846). P>
Macabre-моторошнийtouring actors-бродячі артистиto raise-вироститиsuccessful-успішнийpresumably-ймовірно, можливоgodfather-хрещений батькоupon-післяto attend-відвідуватиdispleased-незадоволенийdebt-боргto force-змушуватиduty-обов'язокintensely сильноthus-таким чиномto estrange-усувати, віддалятиshortly-незабаромafterwards-в майбутньомуto enlist-добровільно вступати на військову службуto serve-служитиvolume-книгаverse-віршreconciliation-примиренняto secure-гарантуватиappointment-призначенняto dismiss-звільнятиneglect-нехтуванняdisown-відрікатисяpermanently-незмінноto appear-з'являтисяcontest-змаганняto sponsor-влаштовуватиto mar-псуватиdisastrous-тяжкеaddiction-згубна звичкаalleged-передбачуванеto contribute-сприятиto force-змушуватиrelatively-щодоprofitable-прибутковий, прибутковийgenre-жанрwhether or not-так чи інакшеto invent-придумуватиcertain-відомийto originate-створитиperhaps-можливоburied-заритіto regard-рахуватиpredecessor-попередникto distinguish-відрізняютьсяgrotesque-безглуздийin addition-на додатокsuperb-чудовийplot-сюжет translation: p>
Едгар Алан По (1809-1849), американський письменник, відомий як поет ікритик, але найбільш відомий як майстер коротких історій, особливооповідань про таємниче і страшне. p>
За народився в Бостоні в 19 січня 1809. Його батьки, бродячіартисти, обидва померли ще в його ранньому дитинстві. І хлопчика виростив Джон
Алан, успішний бізнесмен з Річмонда, Вірджинія, який можливо був йогохрещеним батьком. У шість років родина Аланом забрала його до Англії, де він бувпоміщений у приватну школу. Після повернення до Сполучених Штатів у 1820 вінпродовжив навчання у приватній школі та відвідував університет у Віржінії впротягом року. Але в 1827 році його прийомний батько, незадоволений тим, щомолода людина зловживає спиртними напоями та азартними іграми,відмовився оплачувати його борги і змусив його працювати клерком. p>
За сильно злюбив свої нові обов'язки, залишив роботу, такимчином, віддаляючи Алана, і поїхав до Бостона. Там його перша книга, «Tamerlaneand Other Poems »(1827), була опублікована анонімно. В недалекому майбутньому Завступив на військову службу до американської армії і прослужив два роки. У
1829 його друга книга віршів, «Al Aaraaf», була опублікована, і вінпомирився з Аланом, який гарантував йому призначення в американськувійськову академію. Після кількох місяців в академії По був звільнений занехтування своїми обов'язками, і його прийомний батько відмовився від ньогоназавжди. p>
Summary: p>
Edgar Allan Poe is American writer, known as the first master of theshort story, especially tales of the mysterious. p>
He was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. His parents died and he wasraised by John Allan, who was presumably his godfather. Poe was placed in aprivate school. Later he attended the University for a year, but his fosterfather, displeased by the Poe `s drinking and gambling, refused to pay hisdebts and forced him to work as a clerk. Poe left a job, thus estranging
Allan. P>
He begins to write. His first book, "Tamerlane and Other Poems", waspublished anonymously. His second volume of verse "Al Aaraaf". Poe `s thirdbook, "Poems", appeared in 1831. The following year his tale "A Ms. Foundin a Bottle "won a contest. From 1835 to 1837 Poe was an editor. P>
In 1836 he married his young cousin. Through the next decade, much ofwhich was marred by his wife `s illness, Poe worked as an editor for variousperiodicals. In 1847 his wife died and Poe himself became ill. He died in
October 7,1849. P>
Questions: p>
V What did he do from 1835 to 1837? P>
V What was his wife? P>
V What is the name of his first book? p>
V When did he die? p>
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The taganrog state university of radio engineering p>
Creative Activity: p>
"Edgar Allan Poe" p>
Reporter: student gr. M-51 p>
Palanskaya T.
Teacher: Tarasenko os p>
Taganrog p>
2002 p>