Introduction. p>
My paper is devoted to the theme of the global ecological catastrophes andthe environmental protection. I am giving a review of various globalproblems such as "Greenhouse effect". The aim of my project is to showand explain how ecological catastrophes navel our life and and whatconsequence they. p>
The sources of my work are:
. Scientific books and newspapers
. Numerous internet data p>
My project consists of the following parts: Introduction, 3 chapters,conclusion, reference list. p>
. Chapter 1 "Ecological situation nowadays" - deals with global ecological problems such as air, water pollution etc.
. Chapter 2 "Global warming" - is devoted to a problem of a global warming called "greenhouse effect".
. Chapter 3 "Pressure groups"-contains in formation about different pressure groups such as "Greenpeace" etc.
. Conclusion. P>
. Reference list. P>
I suppose that the topic I choose is very actual nowadays and I hope thatit will contribute to our knowledge and will also have a practicalinplimintation in the class. p>