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    Бізнес-план / english /


    Іноземна мова

    Назва: Бізнес-план англійською мовою

    Автор: Масуренков Владислав

    Домашня Лабораторія Комп'ютерних Досліджень


    E-mail: [email protected]
    Примітка: Написаний мною та ще парою чоловік за курсом "Написання бізнес-плану". Правда 80% сделал я.

    Rostov State University

    Business plan
    consultation of computer and software

    Made by:
    Massourenkov Vladislav
    Machno Olga
    Tovstolutskaia Larisa



    1. Mission Statement
    2. Industry Analys
    3. Marketing Plan
    4. Expenses
    5. Break-Even Analysis
    6. Cash Flow Projection
    7. Organisation Plan

    Привіт! На ринку комп'ютерних послуг зараз в Ростові існують три фірми, які надають комп'ютерні послуги. Цими фірмами є Гендальф, Ком, Інф.
    Незважаючи на те, що ці фірми надають комп'ютерні послуги, вони не є нашими конкурентами, тому що націлені на іншу категорію покупців. Цю ситуацію ви можете побачити на даному графіку. Основними покупцями наших конкурентів є компанії, причому переважно ті, які вже мають досвід роботи з комп'ютерами. Ми розраховуємо продавати свої послуги насамперед приватним особам, причому переважно недосвідченим в цій сфері. Залучити дану категорію клієнтів ми зможемо перш за все низькою ціною і високою якістю. Крім того, наша реклама буде розміщена в загальнодоступних засобах масової інформації, і розрахована на велику кількість потенційних покупців.
    Перевага нашого проекту полягає в тому, що він вимагає маленьких вкладень, а низькі витрати забезпечать більшу прибутковість.
    На надання однієї додаткової послуги наша фірма буде витрачати всього 22 рубля. Продавати ж її ми будемо за 50 рублів, що значно дешевше, ніж вона коштує у наших конкурентів. Якість наших послуг буде не тільки таким же, але і набагато вище.
    Запорукою успіху нашої фірми є висококваліфікований персонал, про який вам розповість ТЛ.

    Hеllo! In the market of computer services now in Rostov exist three firms, which provide computer services. These firms are: Gendalf, Computer Ingeniring and Informatika.
    Thought these firms provide computer services, they are not our competitors, because aimed at other category of the buyers. This situation you can see on the given diagram. The basic buyers of our competitors are the companies, and in general that, which already has experience of work on the computers. We plan to sell the services above all to the home computer users, and in general inexperienced in this sphere. To attract that category of the customers we can above all by the low price and high quality. Besides, our advertising will be placed in popular mass media and planed for large number of the potential buyers.
    The advantage of our project consists that it requires small investments and the low costs will ensure large profit.
    For providing of one additional service our firm will spend only 22 roubles, but we shall sell it for 50 roubles, that is much cheaper, than it costs at our competitors. The quality of our services will be not only same, but also is much higher.
    Pledge of our success is in the high qualitative personnel, about which Tovstolutskaia Larisa will tell.

    Mission Statement

    Our consumers are all firms and organizations, which use computers, everyone, who needs office software and also home computer users. Our partners: Firms, which create the software for at home and office, distributors of the firms-manufacturers of inventory materials and internet Providers. Service of our firm: recommendation for purchase of computer, protection and rescue computer viruses, teaching to computer's using, selling and installing programs, consultation about the computer's modernisation. The activity of firm will be distributed in Rostov region.
    Main idea of our Firm: "We'll make computer easy for you". We'll help people to find themselves in the computer and software world. The basic technology : the individual work with each customer. Image of the company: with the help of advertising we consider to create image of the solid company, working with firms and the private persons.

    Industry Analysis

    Computer sales grew by 14% over 1996. The selling of the programs has increased in 1997 by 15.3%. The receipts of realization of the programs have grown on 13-17%. In Russia the growth of sale of the company "Vist" in 1996 has left 23% in comparison with 1996.
    About 40-60% of new firms have appeared in our industry in the last three years. The main three competitors have appeared for the last 2-5 years.
    The main competitors are "Informatika", "Computer-engineering" and "Gendalf".
    Recently have been introducted internet-services and many new programs.
    Our business is better than business of our competitors because: we give our buyer two completely new services, which should result that from us in our customers buying other kinds of services, which our competitors render. For reason of rendering of initial service (advice at a choice of the computer) the buyer not only will trust our firm, but also will depend on it.
    The greatest force has our main competitor "Informatika". It for a long time was in the market and has additional advantages by sale of our services, since is also seller of computer engineering. The buyers frequently buy the programs simultaneously with purchase of the computer. The other main competitors have only one advantage, that they have been in the market for a long time and have usual reputation.

    Marketing Plan

    The characteristic of our basic buyers:
    Home computer users. Financial condition above the average. Style of life: employed by work. Education is not technical. An educational level rather high, most likely a university, college or institute degree. Reason of purchasing: purpose to purchase the computer at absence of the information about its required properties or problem with the already bought computer.
    Organisations. Average or large enterprise. Reason of purchasing: purpose topurchase some computers and software.
    At our competitors main goods is not sale of such services, which we are going render. The basic customer of our competitors are firms, using in the work the specialized programs. The basic advantage of our competitors that they for a long time have left on the market. Also our competitors sell computers and many different programs. Advertising our competitors not designed for the initial customer. The advertising is distributed in the specialized newspapers and magazines about existence of which the beginner in the computer world (newspapers "That, Where, How mach. Computers and Office 'technique." And "Server").

    Positioning our competitors:

    Our Customers are the people or organizations, which are going for the first time to get the computer or have got it recently.

    At us services will buy because of many number of advertising in those journals, TV and radio programs, which are designed first of all for the inexperienced buyer. Our advertising will designed for a wide audience and will place in the popular local editions, radio and outdoor advertising. Our publicity: free-of-charge consultation on the phone, participation in exhibitions, edition of the inexpensive brochures with the basic information on computers, their device and basic programs.


    Fixed Costs:
    Rent and utilities: 5000p/month
    Salaries: 11000/mo
    Printing/Promotion/Advertising: 5000 (1-st six month 10000)
    Office Supplies: 270/mo
    Legal and License: 5000/year (year = December)
    Main computer and software amortisation: 1100/mo

    Variable costs
    Product costs = labour cost per job + man'license
    Specialist's wages: 20/hour
    License: 210/man
    Each of man can worked: 175hour/mo
    Product costs: 22/unit
    Selling Prise = 50/hour

    Main Investment From Owner = 200000p
    Initial Investment at office 'equipment = 55000p from main investment

    Forms of costs Number Cost of number Total costs Apartment Rent 1 5000 5000 Total: 5000 Equipment Computer table 4 715 2860 Office table 2 1500 3000 Working chair 6 600 3600 Customer chair 8 300 2400 Divan 1 1500 1500 Xerox 1 2300 2300 Cash desk 1 2000 2000 Journal table 1 420 420 Air-conditioner 1 3000 3000 Phone 2 250 500 Bookcase 1 650 650 Safe 1 5000 5000 Lavatory 1 5000 5000 Other software 1 10000 10000 Main computer 1 12000 12000 Working computer 4 6000 24000 Standard software 4 5000 20000 Total: 98230 Personnel President 1 5000 5000 Vice President 1 3500 3500 Secretary 1 3000 3000 Total: 11500

    Break-Even Analysis Fixed costs: 23000 Break-Even: 32000 Sales VC FC TC Sales/p Break-Even 0 0 23000 23000 0 32000 150 3300 23000 26300 7500 32000 200 4400 23000 27400 10000 32000 250 5500 23000 28500 12500 32000 300 6600 23000 29600 15000 32000 350 7700 23000 30700 17500 32000 450 9900 23000 32900 22500 32000 550 12100 23000 35100 27500 32000 650 14300 23000 37300 32500 32000 750 16500 23000 39500 37500 32000 850 18700 23000 41700 42500 32000 870 19140 23000 42140 43500 32000

    Cash Flow Projection Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Comulative 0 150 200 250 300 350 450 550 650 750 850 870 Beginning Cash 200000 102730 132300 111630 92360 74490 47020 27350 21480 18410 18140 20670 Income Product Sales 0 7500 10000 12500 15000 17500 22500 27500 32500 37500 42500 43500 Equipment 66000 11000 0 0 0 11000 11000 0 0 0 0 0 Expenses Rent and utilities 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Office salaries 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 Print/Prom/Advertising 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Office supplies 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 License 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000 Product costs 0 3300 4400 5500 6600 7700 9900 12100 14300 16500 18700 19140 Total Cash out 31270 29570 30670 31770 32870 33970 31170 33370 35570 37770 39970 45410 Mountly in/out-flow -97270 -33070 -20670 -19270 -17870 -27470 -19670 -5870 -3070 -270 2530 -1910 End Cash 102730 132300 111630 92360 74490 47020 27350 21480 18410 18140 20670 18760

    Organisation Plan

    Our firm forms as the small enterprise, in which 6 persons work: the president, vice-president, secretary, three experts.
    The organisation structure of our Firm:

    The president - Massourenkov Vladislav. He has higher economic education RSU on a speciality marketing and management. At the enterprise will working with the basic organizational questions, advertising, marketing.
    The vice-president - Tovstolutckaia Larisa. Has higher economic education and correspondens diploma of applied mathematics. At the enterprise will messages accounting, to replace the president during his absence. Also will be the expert in the accounting programs.
    The secretary. Has higher education. Knows English language and owns work on the computer. Will working with the time-table of work, writing of the checks, to work on the telephone, conduct under the diagrams of work of the experts.
    The experts are the workers with higher education on a speciality the applied mathematics. Free possession of the computer. Each of the experts will specialize on one of directions of work:
    Operating systems and set-up of the computer.
    The graphic programs and networks.
    Office programs.

    The personnel begins to work in firm already with large initial preparation. Further increase of qualification will occur gradually during work.
    For increase of quality of work participation of the personnel in the profit is planned.

    Фінансовий план


    (Consultation of computer and software)

    Вид витрат Кількість Вартість одиниці Загальна вартість Приміщення Оренда офісу площею близько 100 кв.м. 1 8000 8000 Разом: 8000 Обладнання з терміном амортизації 2.3 року Столи комп'ютерні 4 715 2860 Стіл офісний 2 1500 3000 Стільці робочі 6 600 3600 Стільці для відвідувачів 8 300 2400 Диван 1 1500 1500 Ксерокс 1 2300 2300 Касовий апарат 1 2000 2000 Журнальний стіл 1 420 420 Спліт-система 1 3000 3000 Телефон 2 250 500 Шафа 1 650 650 Сейф 1 5000 5000 Санвузол 1 5000 5000 Разом: 32230 Амортизаційні відрахування на місяць: 1167,753623 Обладнання з терміном амортизації 1 рік Комп'ютери робочі 3 8000 24000 Програмне забезпечення стандартне 3 5000 15000 Інше програмне забезпечення 1 14000 14000 Комп'ютер головний 1 17000 17000 Разом: 70000 Амортизаційні відрахування на місяць: 5833,333333 Персонал Директор 1 4000 4000 Бухгалтер-консультант 1 3500 3500 Фахівці (4 чол.) 4 3000 12000 Разом: 19500 Інші витрати Оплата комунальних послуг (вода і т.д.) 500 Канцелярські товари (папір, ручки і т.д.) 3000 Рекламні заходи 10000 Разом: 13500 Резервний фонд: 20000 Разом постійні витрати на місяць: 25501,08696 Разом перемінні витрати на місяць (при 4 фахівцях): 15000 Разом загальні одноразові витрати: 163230
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