The CPU of a computer is a microprocessor, based on a chip or microchip, asmall piece of silicon with very large number of electronic 'circuits onit. The CPU interface-this is the way the CPU is connected with the mainboard. There are two main formats for PC's and those a re the "Socket", andthe "Slot" formats. The various socket and slot formats are also referredto as "packaging". The main two brands of processors for PC's are Intel and AMD and a very small part for VIA processors. The AMD Athlon 64fx: processor features innovative technology to provideextraordinary performance and a computing experience without parallel. The ADM Athlon 64fh processor runs on AMD 64, a revolutionary technology thatallows the processor to run 32-bit applications at full speed whileenabling the coming wave oft powerful, 64-bit software applications. The AMD processor is the only Windows-compatible 64-bit PC processor and theworld's most technically advanced PC processor. This processor is fullycompatible with Microsoft Windows XP and tens of thousands of PCapplications that people around the world use every day. Systems based onthe AMD technology are able to deliver leading-edge performance for themost demanding entertainment and content creation software today and in thefuture. (CPU) is the nerve of any digital computer system since it coordinates andcontrols the activities of all the other units and performs all thearithmetic and logic processes to be applied to data. All programinstructions to be executed must be held within the CPU, and all the datato be processed must be loaded first into this unit. The CPU has twofunctions: it must obtain instructions from the memory and interpret them,as well as perform the actual operations. p>